Supporting customers with mental health problems
Brief summary of course

Every year, one in four adults will experience a mental health problem.
Being aware of the range of mental health problems and their impact is a vital part of understanding your customers and achieving the right outcomes for your organisation or business.

Course outline

This is an in-depth course to support and develop your specialist teams so that they can recognise common mental health problems and understand their role in helping customers get the help they need.

Who is it for?
All front-line, customer-facing staff, management, specialist teams, back office staff and relevant suppliers.

What’s covered?

What a mental health problem is
Why it is important to take mental health problems into account
The difference between a range of mental health problems
Why customers may not disclose their mental health problem to a creditor
Ways a mental health problem can affect a customer’s ability to cope with their finances
Ways to deal with an initial disclosure of a mental health problem
Other techniques for helping customers with different mental health problems

Benefits to you:

Improve your reputation as a responsible organisation that treats customers fairly
Gain the skills, tools and confidence to handle customers in vulnerable circumstances fairly and consistently
Improve your debt recovery rates and broken repayment arrangements, and minimise the likelihood of additional costs
Meet your legal and regulatory responsibilities under the Mental Capacity Act and Data Protection Act
Supports all parts of your business (lending, customer service, fraud, retention, collections and digital)

Training options

In-house: we come to you and deliver a one-day session customised for your staff. This includes access to e-learning as a pre-course module

E-learning: a device responsive 30-40 minute e-learning package

Consultancy: we work with you to develop training, policies and principles that take your workplace practices into account

Phone Number
020 7653 9734
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Supporting customers with mental health problems

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